The Formula for Success Using Google’s Unified Mobile Search

The establishment and rise of the e-commerce industry have to be considered one of the historic moments in modern history. The transition of every active go-getter to a full-fledged netizen, living in the comfort of four impenetrable walls, has been a stark and rapid one.

One of the major factors initiating this drastic lifestyle change is the evolution of the primitive online industry to the mammoth of a virtual marketplace it is at current. Even ten years ago, the luxury of the online marketplace was limited to a handful of giants in the e-commerce industry such as Amazon, AliExpress, and eBay, and consumers often needed to play through the nose for accessing their services.

The proliferation of many different e-commerce channels specializing in a variety of sectors of the online market has come hand in hand with the availability of cheap internet to a major chunk of the world population. The e-commerce industry has become indispensable, especially in the clutches of such a global pandemic rampaging throughout the globe.

This would have been a fruitless endeavor without the innovations provided by Google, the largest search engine provider at current. Today we are going to discuss one such major innovation and its impact – Google’s unified mobile search system.

Google and its services have been in action since time immemorial. However, it is only within the last decade that Google has extended its services from a simple search engine to a much more wholesome advertising platform.

The drastic increase in the number of e-commerce industries has enabled the common man to take multiple opinions on a subject before making a permanent purchase. Scientific studies have shown that the average customer looks up 14 different e-commerce channels before settling on a single platform and making a purchase. This human behavior is infinitely aided by one of Google’s latest innovation – its unified mobile search system.

Why a system based on mobile devices?

The inherent question arising from the mention of Google’s unified mobile search system is the reason for optimizing this specifically for mobile devices. The basic need for this system arose from the convenience of the mobile device system. Mobile devices are on the rise because of their affordability and availability at all times.

Mobile phones are used by a multitude of people around the world, every single day. Whether it be looking up a word, learning a new skill, or searching for a commodity on the online market, a phone is always at your fingertips to help you in your endeavour.

The crux of the system

Google has introduced its unified mobile search system which exhaustively covers the listings of a product you search on your mobile devices covering the hundreds of e-commerce websites on which the product is active. Google’s unified mobile search saves online shoppers time in this fast world by automating the task of searching for a specific item on multiple storefronts. The reason this system works better than most advertisements is due to it being sponsored by Google. There is already a promise of reliability attached to it. Furthermore, the layout is quite understated yet informative, unlike most in-your-face advertisements. Added to it is also a segment of automation and machine learning to suggest a variety of products that go hand-in-hand with the products you have searched based on popular demand and your previous search history. All of these features make this unified search system the perfect package for the e-commerce entrepreneur.

The fleeting idea of visibility and success

Google’s unified mobile search is undoubtedly an indispensable tool for every e-commerce site, irrespective of its scale. However, it comes with a caveat, which is one has to know how to manipulate their product listing to exact maximum advantage from this tool. As stated above, the unified search tool lists e-commerce sites in the hundreds and thousands, and it is easier to get lost in the crowd than stand out amongst it. Businesses are made and destroyed on their presence on the top of these listings or their practical absence from the top of these listings.

The path to success in these listings

Similar to Search Engine Optimization tools, the core points to achieving success in Google’s search ranking have been derived by multiple trial and error runs. It has to be stated that the ranking on the listing is dependent upon Google’s core algorithm, which is proof of revisions now and then. However, in general, a high-quality product listing and correlation to popular search tags within that field are essential to get a high ranking in the search results. A few salient points to achieve this are as follows:

  • Focus on fitting in the target keyword (which is most commonly searched by people) in the product title and avoid stuffing extra keywords just for the sake of it.
  • Images always make a greater impression on human minds, so make sure the product thumbnail is striking and catchy. Also, avoid watermarks and additional text at all costs, to avoid rejection by Google’s protocols.
  • Put your product in the proper category and narrow down the subcategory as much as possible to maintain relevancy.
  • Be as descriptive as possible with the product type, especially if you are trading in an exclusive aesthetic.
  • The product description is the perfect place to stud the secondary keywords, as these are also thoroughly scanned by Google for their listings.
  • Employ any automation protocol for updating availability across all platforms and for changing currency based on the country from where the product is being searched.

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