Top Tips To Remove Google Reviews Permanently

Before knowing the tips on how to remove bad reviews from google, the first thing you have to do is calm yourself and don’t panic. Next, don’t react immediately. You should always take time and think about the best way to handle this critic. Also, how you can rebuild your image.

We all know a single negative comment can shatter the reputation of the business in one minute. So it is essential to manage the reputation no matter if it’s a doctor reputation management or business reputation management. Plus, Google also does not provide us with a delete option which we can click to delete the negative comments. So here we are with some tips on how you can remove the bad google review permanently.

Three tips to remove the google review

Follow the following tips if you want to remove the review which is bothering your business so much. Apart from these mentioned below, you can also take the google review removal service to help take down these comments quickly.

Request the customer to edit

Just because you don’t have access to delete the google review does not mean the customer who has posted it also can’t. So the first thing you can do is address the problem of your customer. As soon as they post their grievances, console them and ask them how you can help. Also, do not forget to thank them for sharing their view or problem with you. This will not only build trust in your customer but also in front of your potential buyers.

Eventually, when your customer asks you to help, make sure to deliver what you promised. Also, provide them with a follow-up email. The email should ask the customer if there is anything else that you can do to help.

After solving the problem, you can ask them to delete or edit the comment which was first bothering them and not now.

Burry the review down

Whenever a prospective buyer comes to your site, he/she may not read more than six reviews to decide if they want to take your service or not. So make sure to bury it down through positive comments on top. And for doing this, you can either include a review request with the package or start a review collection campaign. You can also contact previous happy customers for a review, etc.

Rebuilding brand

This process involves digitally and physically shifting your business. This process involves changing the business logo, name, and website. On top of this, you also require to close your google business account. Also, inform google that your previous business has shut down. This process will show your feedback section or message box as closed, non-existence, or duplicate. After the process, you can start your business once again with a clean slate.


By the above ways, you can make sure that you permanently get free from all the negative comments. As a result, can run your business smoothly. Business reputation is a valuable thing, so you must maintain it at any cost. And for doing this, google negative review removal service helps a lot.

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