Most Interesting Stats and Facts About Google

Google was launched in August 1998 and has grown to become the tech giant that we know it today in just a few years. From the very start, Google had the noble and equally ambitious goal of organizing and indexing all of the world’s information for anyone to access and use it easily.

Here are some of the interesting stats and facts about Google that you probably didn’t know.

1. In 1998, at the time of its official launch, about 10,000 search queries were punched into Google. Fast forward to today and Google now processes more than 6.5 billion search queries every day.

2. 15% of daily queries are terms and phrases never seen before by Google, which means more and more people are searching for new things all the time.

3. Whenever you type a search term into the window, Google takes over 200 factors into consideration before giving you the best search results — all done in a fraction of a second.

4. One of the most important factors that determine your search rankings is page speed. Sites on the first page of Google search have an average page load speed of less than 2 seconds.

5. The most expensive keywords in Google Ads (as of June 2017) are: “business services” ($58.64 per click),”bail bonds” ($58.48 per click), “casino” ($55.48 per click), “lawyer” ($54.86 per click), and “asset management” ($49.86 per click).

6. 80% of users ignore Google ads in search results, further reinforcing the idea that organic search results are essential.

7. As people do more things online using smartphones, Google now makes up a staggering 32.4% in total mobile ad expenditure, followed by Facebook with 24.6% of the market share.

With Google continuing to dominate the world of online search as we know it today, it has now diversified its interests towards biotechnology, sensor miniaturization, driverless cars, renewable energy, and artificial intelligence, among others. Who knows what other landmark achievements we will see in the next few years.

To find out more interesting stats and facts about Google, check out the infographic below.



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