5 Actionable Tips To Develop A Brand That Consumers Trust

Scratch out your email marketing campaigns. Take away your public relation efforts. Drop your lead-generation tools. In fact, place everything on hold. There is no tool or trick more effective than having a strong brand authority.

Consumers want to trust businesses that they invest in. .

From a business perspective, brand authority can either make or break business. Almost 72 percent of marketers say that a strong brand authority is more powerful than any promotions that they use. A survey was done in 2016, also showed that 94-percent of consumers are more likely to invest in a transparent brand.

The question is how can you develop a brand that consumers actually trust?

Through this article, we plan to give actionable advice that you can implement today to build a stellar brand.

Be Authentic With Your Customers

Building a brand isn’t just about consistency. Consumers want to feel as if they are a part of a community. Which is why in every dealing, you should go out of your way to be authentic and genuine with your customer base.

Generic strategies are a sure-fire way to kill your brand authority.

Because think about it…

Then you are doing what every other company is doing, right?

Rather take the time to understand your target audience. Use this information whenever you deal with them. Regardless of whether they are looking to buy a product/service for the first-time, or if they need support.

Another way to ensure that you are authentic with your customer base is to create an awesome content marketing plan. The content that you publish should all serve to help your target-customer in one way or another.

Be Consistent Whenever Dealing With Customers

As a human race, we hate change. Although we try our best to adapt and embrace it – it’s not something we enjoy doing. Think about it, almost 90% of the global repeats the same action every day of the week when they commute to work.

When customers interact with you – they expect something. Whether it’s your quick-replies on support tickets, whether it’s your marketing efforts. Make sure that whatever you are doing as an organization is consistent.

Another reason why consistency is so important is to take up the attention of your target customers. At the end of the day, we have a smaller attention span than goldfish (I know, I know – it includes me!)

Which is why when you are marketing a product or service, you want to ensure that it has multiple impressions on your target customers. It was proven in a study that it can take anywhere up to four impressions before a customer will even consider looking further into what you are offering.

Sometimes Conversions Need To Be Put On The Back-End Of Operations

Wait. Pause. What?

Think about what you are saying…

The entire point of a business is to make sales. I am closing this article right now!

That’s probably what flashed through your mind as you read the subheading. But sometimes, the sales numbers are not as important. Don’t get me wrong, profit Is always important.

But would you choose one-month where you exceed deliverables? Or a month where you just manage to scrape through but triple your long-term income because you provided value to your customers for free?

That’s right…

Sometimes offering something on the house is what you need to not only build brand trust but also to spur sales. Something as simple as offering a free course, a free month of subscription, or even a free product can make all the difference.

At the end of the day, in the business world, putting your customers is a sure-fire way to ensure your business is successful. Almost 48-percent of all customers expect a brand to know them, and know exactly what they need to solve problems that they are facing on a daily basis.

Never Promise A Customer Something And Don’t Deliver

This is a valuable lesson not just for business, but also for life. But from a sales perspective, would you rather have a consumer telling their friends how mediocre your service or product is. Or would you prefer them bragging about it every chance they get?

We are sure that the later sounds more… appealing.

Better yet, almost 74-percent of consumers state that word-of-mouth is one of the most important deciding factors when they are searching for a product or service. And yes, this does include your reviews left by former customers.

Ignoring the brand authority and trust word of mouth has on your sales, let’s look from a marketing perspective. There was another study, which illustrated that positive word of mouth can improve the ROI on your marketing campaigns by up to 54-percent.

Starting to see why it is so important to exceed customers expectations?

Of course, in order to do this – you really need to manage your customers. Make sure you know who is waiting for support. Whose products are defected? And who just wants to chat with an agent to tell them what a good job they are doing! There are plenty of platforms you can do this on. From lightweight Zendesk, right through to full project management software.

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